1988 ty250 mono identification

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1988 ty250 mono identification Empty 1988 ty250 mono identification

Message par ian955 Dim 11 Avr - 19:43

Hi I am new to the forum and wonder if someone can tell me how to identify which model of ty i have, any help gratefully received

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Date d'inscription : 11/04/2021

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1988 ty250 mono identification Empty Re: 1988 ty250 mono identification

Message par charlyxty Dim 11 Avr - 19:49

Hi Ian,


First, you can have a look at that with your frame number :

http://www.yamahaty.com/serie.html Wink

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1988 ty250 mono identification Empty Re: 1988 ty250 mono identification

Message par lethau Dim 11 Avr - 21:30

Welcome in board Ian 1988 ty250 mono identification 649390891

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