Im not a computer

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Im not a computer Empty Im not a computer

Message par Yamabogpete Lun 19 Avr - 12:23

Im not a computer 1f600
Sorry for the tardy intro. I live in the USA in the state of Pennsylvania.I have been riding motorcycles since 1968. I raced MX from 1974 through 1983 Expert / Pro level, observed trials for about 1 year 1975. Extensive road riding from 1992 to current. Extreme long-distance riding during that time frame including the 2007 Iron Butt Rally. The second rider to complete the Trifecta 4,500 miles under 72 hours etc.( 7,258 KM < 72 Hours ).
Currently, I am working on an early 1974 TY 250 garage find purchase price $250.


Messages : 16
Date d'inscription : 01/04/2021
Age : 64
Localisation : USA Stroudsburg Pennsylvania

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Im not a computer Empty Re: Im not a computer

Message par courcoussoun Lun 19 Avr - 12:32

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Date d'inscription : 12/04/2020
Localisation : 06 Countea de Nissa Vallée de la Tinée

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Im not a computer Empty Re: Im not a computer

Message par charlyxty Lun 19 Avr - 13:38

Hi Yamabogpete,
Welcome to you and your TY250 A, you will find here all you need and maybe more ! Wink

"Et Yamaha...créa la TY"
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Messages : 1259
Date d'inscription : 23/09/2019
Age : 58
Localisation : Normandie et Bretagne

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Im not a computer Empty Re: Im not a computer

Message par lethau Lun 19 Avr - 16:29

bienvenue dear friend Im not a computer 649390891

"On a toujours tort d'essayer d'avoir raison devant des gens qui ont toutes les bonnes raisons de croire qu'ils n'ont pas tort !"
Raymond Devos
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Messages : 2764
Date d'inscription : 24/09/2019
Age : 65
Localisation : Dans la capitale des Alpes

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Im not a computer Empty Re: Im not a computer

Message par pascal38 Lun 19 Avr - 18:19

Hello and welcome to the forum. We have another member located in Oregon.
Pilot solex is his pseudo alias Patrick.
Glad to have you with us.
Pascal. bienvenue
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Messages : 3620
Date d'inscription : 24/09/2019
Localisation : Chartreuse Face à Belledonne

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Im not a computer Empty Re: Im not a computer

Message par la tronche ensablée Lun 19 Avr - 18:31

Hi guy
Welcome here with your bike TY 250 A 1974 cheers Where you live more precisely in the state of Pennsylvania rather to the north or the south or to the west or east.
For my part I live on the west coast in a city twinning with Binghamton New York state.
To the pleasure of reading you.
The sanded face. (because my house is very close to the largest sand dune in Europe)

la tronche ensablée
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Messages : 1232
Date d'inscription : 22/10/2019
Age : 68
Localisation : La Teste de Buch

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Im not a computer Empty Re: Im not a computer

Message par Jeffke Lun 19 Avr - 21:16

Á warm welcome to you Yamabogpete. Looking forward to seeing your TY 250 and all the other bikes from your shed. You landed on a great forum, and many here will do their best to help. Cheers

membre d'honneur
membre d'honneur

Messages : 136
Date d'inscription : 02/07/2020

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Im not a computer Empty Re: Im not a computer

Message par Yamabogpete Mar 20 Avr - 12:04

Thank You all for the warm welcome.


Messages : 16
Date d'inscription : 01/04/2021
Age : 64
Localisation : USA Stroudsburg Pennsylvania

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