Hi there, and my main question.
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Hi there, and my main question.
I'm a Canadian owner of a 1978 ty175 and ty250 of which I've had a fair amount of experience with repairing and riding. I mostly came here to get some info on registering my Ty175 for the road. I'm not sure if this bike was previously insurable as all the info I've read has been either vague or inconsistent. I also have the issue of having to deal with ICBC (British Columbia's only insurance company) which outlawed converting off road only vehicles to on road vehicles in 2006.
So the main thing I've read it that these bikes were insurable in the UK and Australia in their base configurations but this is iffy information at best. I also know they made specific trims for the on road versions and that neither of mine are those trims with my Ty being the base 525 VIN model. Would it be worth pursuing this further or should I just look at getting a different bike?
Thanks for your help in advance.
I'm a Canadian owner of a 1978 ty175 and ty250 of which I've had a fair amount of experience with repairing and riding. I mostly came here to get some info on registering my Ty175 for the road. I'm not sure if this bike was previously insurable as all the info I've read has been either vague or inconsistent. I also have the issue of having to deal with ICBC (British Columbia's only insurance company) which outlawed converting off road only vehicles to on road vehicles in 2006.
So the main thing I've read it that these bikes were insurable in the UK and Australia in their base configurations but this is iffy information at best. I also know they made specific trims for the on road versions and that neither of mine are those trims with my Ty being the base 525 VIN model. Would it be worth pursuing this further or should I just look at getting a different bike?
Thanks for your help in advance.
gwaiidon_dw- ptit nouveau
- Messages : 2
Date d'inscription : 29/05/2022
Re: Hi there, and my main question.
Hello gwaiidon_dw,
I cannot comment on BC's specific rules and regulations regarding converting off road to on road vehicles. Each Canadian province has its peculiar ways of dealing with these types of requests. However, as a Quebec resident, I can confirm that ty175+250 were imported as off road bikes in QC and therefore CAN NOT be registered as on road vehicles. The only way around, is to get a Yamaha DT serie or Honda XL serie bike that were imported as "Dual Purpose" vehicles and could be registered in one of the two categories. Again, this is the rule of the land in QC, things might be different in BC. In France, as I recall, ty125s were imported and sold as on road bikes. This may possibly explain why the 175cc engine was not commercially fitted on these French models so as to comply with local legislation.
I hope this helps.
Best regards,
I cannot comment on BC's specific rules and regulations regarding converting off road to on road vehicles. Each Canadian province has its peculiar ways of dealing with these types of requests. However, as a Quebec resident, I can confirm that ty175+250 were imported as off road bikes in QC and therefore CAN NOT be registered as on road vehicles. The only way around, is to get a Yamaha DT serie or Honda XL serie bike that were imported as "Dual Purpose" vehicles and could be registered in one of the two categories. Again, this is the rule of the land in QC, things might be different in BC. In France, as I recall, ty125s were imported and sold as on road bikes. This may possibly explain why the 175cc engine was not commercially fitted on these French models so as to comply with local legislation.
I hope this helps.
Best regards,
paul- membre régulier
- Messages : 105
Date d'inscription : 23/10/2019
Re: Hi there, and my main question.
paul a écrit:Hello gwaiidon_dw,
I cannot comment on BC's specific rules and regulations regarding converting off road to on road vehicles. Each Canadian province has its peculiar ways of dealing with these types of requests. However, as a Quebec resident, I can confirm that ty175+250 were imported as off road bikes in QC and therefore CAN NOT be registered as on road vehicles. The only way around, is to get a Yamaha DT serie or Honda XL serie bike that were imported as "Dual Purpose" vehicles and could be registered in one of the two categories. Again, this is the rule of the land in QC, things might be different in BC. In France, as I recall, ty125s were imported and sold as on road bikes. This may possibly explain why the 175cc engine was not commercially fitted on these French models so as to comply with local legislation.
I hope this helps.
Best regards,
Yeah, I'm beginning to think that's the case with mine aswell, it does have a cmvss(?) sticker though but it's too worn to see what it's classified as. Thank you for the input regardless I'm pretty sure I'm just looking down a dead end.
Dernière édition par gwaiidon_dw le Dim 29 Mai - 9:34, édité 1 fois
gwaiidon_dw- ptit nouveau
- Messages : 2
Date d'inscription : 29/05/2022
Re: Hi there, and my main question.
Welcome in board
"On a toujours tort d'essayer d'avoir raison devant des gens qui ont toutes les bonnes raisons de croire qu'ils n'ont pas tort !"
Raymond Devos
lethau- L'équipe du forum
- Messages : 2705
Date d'inscription : 24/09/2019
Age : 65
Localisation : Dans la capitale des Alpes
Re: Hi there, and my main question.
Welcome Gwalidon
En France, si je me souviens bien, les ty125 étaient importées et vendues comme sur des vélos de route. Cela explique peut-être pourquoi le moteur 175 cm3 n'était pas monté
Paul , ce qui n'autorisait pas les moteur en 175cc était tout simplement une question de permis de conduire . Ceux ne possédant pas le permis moto ne pouvait conduire que des 125cc ; au dessus il fallait impérativement posséder le fameux sésame.
Cette législation étant différente en Belgique , Angleterre , Suisse etc.......
Pascal .
En France, si je me souviens bien, les ty125 étaient importées et vendues comme sur des vélos de route. Cela explique peut-être pourquoi le moteur 175 cm3 n'était pas monté
Paul , ce qui n'autorisait pas les moteur en 175cc était tout simplement une question de permis de conduire . Ceux ne possédant pas le permis moto ne pouvait conduire que des 125cc ; au dessus il fallait impérativement posséder le fameux sésame.
Cette législation étant différente en Belgique , Angleterre , Suisse etc.......
Pascal .
pascal38- L'équipe du forum
- Messages : 3560
Date d'inscription : 24/09/2019
Localisation : Chartreuse Face à Belledonne
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